Sunday, May 25, 2008

There are no cats in Romania!

Hey Guys!!!

Quick post cuz I don't have much time left on my battery. OH, and give yourself a big hug from me if you figured out my post title is a take off on a song from "An American Tail". I did it in honor of my little kitty who I left behind a week ago today who I miss very much! That and there are lots of stray dogs here, and I've only seen two cats in the past 4 days.

So I'm in Romania as I type and you read! It's amazing here! The Peace Corps has kept me so busy this whole week that the first time I had to catch up on my jet lag was today! I went to sleep at 6 last night and woke up at 12:30 this afternoon!!!

I can't wait to get into my language classes because the language barrier is very apparent to me, though I am having lots of fun learning new words and pantomiming with my host family! I can't wait to actually be able to communicate with them at a level higher than that of a 2 year old. My host mom and bro actually speak English, so I'm not in too big of a pickle.

I LOVE the food here!!! Yes even though I'm a vegetarian. There's this awesome soup called chiorba. The PC materials call it sour soup but it's so much more than that! It's like this really awesome watery tomato soup with loads of veggies in it.

There are thunder storms here!!! I'm so happy cuz I LOVE rain and thunder. It seems everywhere I spend a significant amount of time in ends up having awesome thunder storms.

I haven't experienced any huge culture shock. The people here are just as nice as everyone has told me they would be. My PC group is awesome and talking with them makes me feel kind of inadequate so far as travel and teaching experience goes.

I start training tomorrow guys, so wish me luck. Keep an eye out for a more in depth blog soon, should I have the time.

I love y'all.

Noapte Buno!!! (good night)


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